Friday, December 25, 2009

The Fall of a Would-Be Lover

I met a Goddess, five-foot-three brunette,
At the local bookstore where she did work.
She had a pretty face, a lovely smile
And was almost as smart as I myself
Where I would shop to see what new treasures
They had put on the shelf to tempt to spend
More than my meager wallet could sustain
I saw her lookimg my way with a smile,
That was seductive or so I assumed.
In a short while, I came up with the nerve
To say hello, she said to me "hello",
That was the start of a nice dialogue.
She was not easy to impress with smarts.
She knew almost as much as I about
All those great minds and writers of great books
I thought she liked me by the smiles received
By me when I met her at the bookstore.
I nervously contemplated the quest
Of a night out with the brunette Goddess.
As she did the shelves of books with no
Idea of intent regarding her.
I sought the nerve to ask my angel out
I sought to be privlidged ro spend time
In company with her out on the town.
I asked if I could have a date with her,
I was then crushed by her firm refusal.

I do not have dates with customers,,
I do not mix business with my own time,
Where i have quests I have to resolve.
I have to mediate with my own God
And not the God of orginized churches.
I stay out at my house in the dark woods,
Where I can contemplatethe world as it
Goes by the road I travel to my house.
Each day at work you light the day for me
Amid the clutter of turmoil and books,
But this is not enough for me to yield.
You have no knowledge as I really am
You paint too good a picture of my charms,
You are in love with your angel, not me,
I am a fuddy-dud not an angel
Or anything beyond plain and common.

I drove away that day to take my pain
Away and leave my disappointment to
My fate which is to know how I can learn
To come back at life when it fails
To satisfy all my basic desires.
Though I am in the midst of a foul mood,
I know i canot match by any means,
With God or mediate with his insights.

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